- F. Arefi, A. M. Mansourian, and S. Kasaei. Improving Weakly-Supervised Video Instance Segmentation by Leveraging Spatio-temporal Consistency. Ieee Access, (Submitted), 2025.
- F. Arefi, A. M. Babaei, V. Ramezanian, A. M. Mansourian, and S. Kasaei. Improving Weakly-supervised Video Instance Segmentation Using Keypoints’ Consistency. Elsevier Science, Computer Vision & Image Understanding, (Submitted), 2025.
- A. M. Mansourian, A. Jalali, R. Ahmadi, and S. Kasaei. Attention-guided Feature Distillation for Semantic Segmentation. Elsevier Science, Computer Vision & Image Understanding, (Submitted), 2025.
- A. Chaichi and S. Kasaei. Trainable Loss Weights in Super-Resolution. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks & Learning Systems, (under review), 2025.
- A. M. Mansourian, R. Ahmadi, and S. Kasaei. AICSD: Adaptive Inter-Class Similarity Distillation for Semantic Segmentation. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, (to appear), 2025.
- R. Ahmadi and S. Kasaei. Leveraging Swin Transformer for Local-to-Global Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation. AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering, (to appear), 2025.
- F. Arefi, A. M. Mansourian, and S. Kasaei. Deep Spectral Improvement for Unsupervised Image Instance Segmentation. Plos One, 19(10), Oct. 2024.
- A. M. Mansourian, N. Karimi, and S. Kasaei. An Efficient Knowledge Distillation Architecture for Real-time Semantic Segmentation. AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation, (to appear), May 2024.
- Ali Mousavi, Raziyeh Pourdarbani, Sajad Sabzi, Dorrin Sotoudeh, Mehrab Moradzadeh, Gins Garca-Mateos, Shohreh Kasaei, and Mohammad H. Rohban. Classification of Healthy and Frozen Pomegranates Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning. Horticulturae, 10(1), Jan. 2024.
- H. Hafez-Kolahi, B. Moniri, and S. Kasaei. Information-Theoretic Analysis of Minimax Excess Risk. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 69(7):4659-4674, July 2023.
- H. Naderi, K. Noorbakhsh, A. Etemadi, and S. Kasaei. LPF-Defense: 3D Adversarial Defense based on Frequency Analysis. Plos One, 18(2):e0271388, Feb. 2023.
- H. Naderi, L. Goli, and S. Kasaei. Generating Unrestricted Adversarial Examples via Three Parameters. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 81(15):21919-21938, June 2022.
- S. M. Marvasti Zadeh, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Beyond Background-Aware Correlation Filters: Adaptive Context Modeling by Hand-crafted and Deep RGB Features for Visual Tracking. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, (accepted), 2021.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, S. Kasaei, K. Nasrollahi, and T. B. Moeslund. Effective Fusion of Deep Multitasking Representations for Robust Visual Tracking. Springer, Visual Computer, October 2021, doi: 10.1007/s00371-021-02304-1.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, L. Cheng, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Efficient Scale Estimation Methods using Lightweight Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Tracking. Springer, Neural Computing & Applications, 33(9):1-15, July 2021.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, L. Cheng, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Deep Learning for Visual Tracking: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems,, Vol. 23, No. 5, PP. 3943-3968, May 2022, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3046478.
- S. Ershadi-Nasab, S. Kasaei, and E. Sanaei. Uncalibrated Multi-view Multiple Humans Association and 3D Pose Estimation by Adversarial Learning. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 80(2):2461-2488, Sep. 2020.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Adaptive Exploitation of Pre-Trained Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Robust Visual Tracking. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 80:22027–22076, 2021.
- S. Ershadi-Nasab, S. Kasaei, E. Sanaei, E. Noury, and H. Hafez-Kolahi. BodyField: Structured Mean Field with Human Body Skeleton Models and Shifted Gaussian Edge Potentials. Journal of Information Systems & Telecommunication (JIST), 30(8):71-83, Sep 2020.
- M. Sepehrinour and S. Kasaei. NRSfPP: Non-Rigid Structure-from-Perspective Projection. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 80(6):9093-9108, March 2021.
- H. Hafez-Kolahi, S. Kasaei, and M. Soleymani-Baghshah. Sample Complexity of Classification with Compressed Input. Elsevier, Neurocomputing, 415:286-294, Nov. 2020.
- F. Fooladger and S. Kasaei. Lightweight Residual Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Network. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 79(35):25571-25588, June 2020.
- F. Fooladgar and S. Kasaei. 3M2RNet: Multi-Modal Multi-Resolution Refinement Network for Semantic Segmentation, Springer: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 944. pp 544-557, 2019.
- B. Hadavi Moghadam, S. Kasaei, and A.K. Haghi. 3D Image Processing in Structural Characterization of Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes. Engineered Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibrous Materials: Integrating Theory and Technique, pp 187-242, 2019.
- H. Hafez-Kolahi and S. Kasaei. Information Bottleneck and its Applications in Deep Learning. Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST), 6(3):119-127, Sep. 2018.
- F. Fooladger and S. Kasaei. A Survey on RGB-D Semantic Segmentation: from Hand-Crafted Features to Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 79(7):4499-4524, Feb. 2020.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Adaptive Exploitation of Pre-trained Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Robust Visual Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence (PAMI), (submitted), 2018.
- E. Shabaninia, A.R. Naghsh-Nilchi, and S. Kasaei. A Weighting Scheme for Mining Key Skeletal Joints for Human Action Recognition. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 78:31319-31345, Nov. 2019.
- R. Azad, M. Asadi-Aghbolaghi, S. Kasaei, and S. Escalera. Dynamic 3D Hand Gesture Recognition by Learning Weighted Depth Motion Maps. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, 29(6):1729-1740, June, 2019.
- M. Fotouhi, H. Hekmatian, M. A. Kashani-Nezhad, and S. Kasaei. SC-RANSAC: Spatial Consistency on RANSAC. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 78(7):9430-9461, 2019.
- E. Shabaninia, S. Kasaei, and A.R. Naghsh-Nilchi. Understanding Human Actions via Hierarchical Extended Histogram of Weighted 3D Joints. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, (under review), 2018.
- S. Ershadi-Nasab, S. Kasaei, and E. Sanaei. Regression-Based Convolutional 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Image. Institution of Engineering & Technology, IET, Electronics Letters, 54(5):292-293, March 2018.
- S. Ershadi-Nasab, S. Kasaei, and E. Sanaei. Uncalibrated Multi-view Multiple Human Association, Tracking, and 3D Pose Estimation. Institution of Engineering & Technology, IET, Image Processing, (under review), 2017.
- E. Shabaninia, A.R. Naghsh-Nilchi, and S. Kasaei. Extended Histogram: Probabilistic Modeling of Video Content Temporal Evolutions. Springer, Multidimensional System & Signal Processing, 30:175-193, Jan. 2019.
- B. Hadavi Moghadam, A. Khodaparast Haghi, and S. Kasaei. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Visualization of Nanofibrous Membrane from Two-Dimensional SEM Images: A Novel Approach for Pore Structure Analysis. Journal of Membrane Science, (under review), 2017.
- B. Hadavi Moghadam, S. Kasaei, and A. Khodaparast Haghi. Surface Roughness of Electrospun Nanofibrous Mats by a Novel Image Processing Technique. World Scientific, Surface Review & Letters, pages 18300051-183000510, Jan. 2018.
- S. Ershadi-Nasab, E. Noury, S. Kasaei, and E. Sanaei. Multiple Human 3D Pose Estimation from Multiview Images. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 77(12):15573-15601, June 2018.
- E. Shabaninia, A.R. Naghsh-Nilchi, and S. Kasaei. High-order Markov Random Field for Single Depth Image Super-resolution. IET, Computer Vision, 11(8):683-690, Dec. 2017.
- M. Asadi and S. Kasaei. Supervised Spatio-Temporal Kernel Descriptor for Human Action Recognition from RGB-Depth Videos. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 77(11):14115-14135, June 2018.
- B. Hadavi Moghadam, S. Kasaei, and A. Khodaparast Haghi. A Novel User-Friendly Image Analysis Technique for Determination of Nanofiber Mats Thickness. World Scientific, Nano, 12(11):17501301-17501309, Nov. 2017.
- M. Asadi, A. Clapťes, M. Bellantonio, H. Jair Escalante, V. Ponce-Lťopez, X. Barťo, I. Guyon, S. Kasaei, and S. Escalera. Deep Learning for Action and Gesture Recognition in Image Sequences: A Survey. The Springer Series on Challenges in Machine Learning, Gesture Recognition, 2017.
- S. E. Mirsadeghi, K. Faezi, and S. Kasaei. Robust Tracking by SIFT-Based Particle Filtering. IET, Computer Vision, (submitted), 2017.
- M. Fotouhi, S. Fouladi, and S. Kasaei. Projection Matrix by Orthogonal Vanishing Points. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 76(15):16189-16223, August 2017.
- B. Hadavi Moghadam, A. Khodaparast Haghi, and S. Kasaei. Structure Analysis of Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes: A Detailed Review. Polymers Research Journal, 3(10), 2016.
- B. Hadavi Moghadam, S. Kasaei, and A. Khodaparast Haghi. An Efficient 3D Data Analysis Method for Surface Roughness Measurement of Nanofibrous Mat. Polymers Research Journal, 3(10), 2016.
- N. Dadashi Serej, A. Ahmadian, S. Kasaei, and S. M. Sadrehosseini. A Robust Key-point Extraction and Matching Algorithm based on Wavelet Transform and Information Theory for Point-Based Registration in Endoscopic Sinus Cavity Data. Springer, Signal, Image & Video Processing, 10(5):983-991, 2016.
- A. Abdi, S. Kasaei, and M. Mehdizadeh. Automatic Segmentation of Mandible in Panoramic X-ray. SPIE, Journal of Medical Imaging, 2(4):0440031-0440038, Nov. 2015.
- B. Hadavi Moghadam, A. Khodaparast Haghi, S. Kasaei, and M. Hasanzadeh. Computational-Based Approach for Predicting Porosity of Electrospun Nanofiber Mats Using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network Methods. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B Physics, 54(11):1404-1425, Sep. 2015.
- R. Afrouzian, H. Seyedarabi, and S. Kasaei. Pose Estimation of Soccer Players using Multiple Uncalibrated Cameras. Springer, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(12):6809-6827, June 2016.
- R. Rouhi, M. Jafari, and S. Kasaei. Benign and Malignant Breast Tumors Classification based on Region Growing and CNN Segmentation. Elsevier Science, Expert Systems with Applications, 42(3):990-1002, 2015.
- A.H. Karami, M. Hasanzadeh, and S. Kasaei. Online Adaptive Motion Model-Based Target Tracking Using Local Search Algorithm. Elsevier Science, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 37:307-318, 2015.
- B. Irannejad, M. Jafari, and S. Kasaei. Automatic Tumor Classification in Brain MR Images Using Metaheuristic Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks. Institution of Engineering & Technology, IET, Computer Vision, (to appear), 2014.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. An Efficient Adaptive Boundary Matching Algorithm for Video Error Concealment. Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, IJEEE, 10(3):188-202, Sep. 2014.
- H. Jamalifar, S. Kasaei, and B. Azarkhalili. Temporal Deformation Models for Surface 3D Tracking. Springer, Machine Vision & Applications, (submitted), 2014.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. A Novel Boundary Matching Algorithm for Video Temporal Error Concealment. International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, IJIGSP, 6(6):1-10, May, 2014.
- B. Babagholami, A. Jourabloo, A. Zarghamiand, and S. Kasaei. A Bayesian Framework for Sparse Representation-Based 3D Human Pose Estimation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21(3):297-300, March 2014.
- H. Mohseni and S. Kasaei. Head Pose Estimation and Face Recognition Using a Nonlinear Tensor-Based Model. Institution of Engineering & Technology, IET, Computer Vision, 8(1):54-65, Feb. 2014.
- H. Mohseni and S. Kasaei. Multiview Face Recognition Based on Multilinear Decomposition and Pose Manifold. Institution of Engineering & Technology, IET, Image Processing, 8(5):300-309, May 2014.
- M. Karimian, M. Tavassolipour, and S. Kasaei. A Semi-supervised Method for Multimodal Classification of Consumer Videos. International Journal of Information & Communication Technology, IJICT, 4(5):19-26, Dec 2012.
- M. Tavassolipour, M. Karimian, and S. Kasaei. Event Detection and Summarization in Soccer Videos Using Bayesian Network and Copula. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, 24(2):291-303, 2014.
- A. Ghodrati and S. Kasaei. Human Action Categorization Using Discriminative Local Spatio-Temporal Feature Weighting. Intelligent Data Analysis, 16(4), 537-550, 2012.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Adaptive Search Range Decision for Fast Intra- and Inter-Prediction Mode Decision in H.264/AVC. Indian Journal of Science & Technology, 4(9):1143-1152, Sep. 2011.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Automatic Brain Tissue Detection in MRI Images Using Seeded Region Growing Segmentation and Neural Network Classification. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 5(8):1066-1079, Aug. 2011.
- E. Shabaninia and S. Kasaei. Codebook Appearance Representation for Vehicle Handover across Disjoint-View Multicameras. Scientia Iranica, 18(6):1450-1459, Dec. 2011.
- E. Shabaninia and S. Kasaei. Moving Vehicle Tracking Using Disjoint-View Multicameras. Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, IJEEE, 7(3):168-178, Sep. 2011.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Fast Intra- and Inter-Prediction Mode Decision of H.264/AVC for Medical Frame Compression based on Region of Interest. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 5(5):397-411, May 2011.
- R. Dianat and S. Kasaei. Dimension Reduction of Remote Sensing Images by Incorporating Spatial and Spectral Properties. International Journal of Electronics & Communications, AEU, 64(8):729-732, Aug. 2010.
- M. Hasanzadeh and S. Kasaei. A Multispectral Image Segmentation Method Using Size-Weighted Fuzzy Clustering and Membership Connectedness. IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters, 7(3):520-524, July 2010.
- R. Dianat and S. Kasaei. Change Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Using Difference-Based Methods and Spatial Information.
IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters,
7(1):215-219, Jan. 2010.
. - Dianat and S. Kasaei. Dimension Reduction of Optical Remote Sensing Images
via Minimum Change Rate Deviation Method. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing,
48(1):198-206, Jan. 2010.
- T. Lotfi, M. Bagheri, A.A. Darabi, and S. Kasaei. An Efficient Content-Based Video
Coding Method for Distance Learning Applications. Scientia Iranica,
16(2):85-103, Dec. 2009.
- R. Dianat and S. Kasaei. Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using Modified Polynomial Regression and Spatial Multivariate Alteration Detection. SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 3(1):1-12, Nov. 2009.
- A.A. Abin, M. Fotouhi, and S. Kasaei. A New Dynamic Cellular Learning Automata-Based Skin Detector. Springer, Multimedia Systems, 15(5):309-323, Oct. 2009.
- H. Rabbani, M. Vafadoust, and S. Kasaei. Edge Detection Using Discrete Complex Wavelet Transform. Esteghlal Journal of Engineering, 28(1):17-35, Sep. 2009.
- M. Ranjbar and S. Kasaei. Spatial Error Concealment: A Novel Exemplar-Based
Approach Using Segmentation. Elsevier Science, Computers & Electrical Engineering,
35: 536-548, 2009.
- M. Soleymani Baghshah and S. Kasaei. An FPCA-Based Color Morphological Filtering for Noise Removal. Scientia Iranica , 16(1):8-18, June 2009.
- M. Hasanzadeh and S. Kasaei. Fuzzy Image Segmentation using Membership Connectedness. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008:1-13, Dec.2008.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. A Novel Color Image Compression Method Using Eigenimages. Iranian Association of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, IAEEE, 5(2):45-53, 2008.
- H. Mahdavi-Nasab and S. Kasaei. New Half-Pixel Accuracy Motion Estimation Algorithms for Low Bitrate Video Communications.
Scientia Iranica, 15(6):507-516, Nov. 2008.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Fast Intra- and Inter-Prediction Mode Decision in H.264 Advanced Video Coding.
International Journal of Computer Science & Network
Security, 8(5):130-140, May 2008.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Principal Color and Its Application to Color Image Segmentation.
Scientia Iranica, 15(2):238-245, April 2008.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Color PCA Eigenimages and their
application to Image Compression and Watermarking. Elsevier Science, Image & Vision Computing,
26(7):878-890, 2008.
- S. Mahmoudi and S. Kasaei. Contourlet-Based Edge Extraction for Image Registration.
Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineers,
4(1):17-34, Jan.2008.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. An Efficient PCA-Based Color Transfer Method.
Elsevier Science, Visual Communication & Image Representation,
18(1): 15-34, Feb. 2007.
- A. Abadpour, S. Kasaei, and S.M. Amiri. Fast Registration of Remotely-Sensed Images for Earthquake Damage Estimation.
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing,
1-10, 2006.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Unsupervised, Fast and Efficient Color Image Copy Protection.
IEE Proceedings Communications. 152(5):605-616, Oct. 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Pixel-Based Skin Detection for Pornography Filtering.
Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, IJEEE,
1(3): 21-41, July 2005.
- H. Mahdavi-Nasab and S. Kasaei. New Adaptive Interpolation Schemes for Efficient Mesh-Based Motion Estimation.
Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, IJEEE, 1(2):49-58, April 2005.
- M. R. Rahimi, E. Pakbaznia, and S. Kasaei. An Adaptive Approach to Singular Point Detection in Fingerprint Images.
International Journal of Electronics and Communications,
AEUE, 58(5):367-370, 2004.
- M. Ghaderi and S. Kasaei. Novel Post-Processing Methods used in Detection of Blotch in Image Sequences.
International Journal of Electronics and Communications, AEUE, 58(1): 58-64, Jan. 2004.
- M. Ghaderi and S. Kasaei. Performance Analysis and Improvement of Motion Techniques with Application to Video Restoration. Sharif Journal of Science & Technology, (25):100-109, 2004.
- S. Kasaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. A Novel Fingerprint Image Compression Technique using Wavelet Packets and Pyramid Lattice Vector Quantization.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 11(12): 1365-1378, December 2002.
- A. M. Tahmasebi and S. Kasaei. A Novel Adaptive Approach to Fingerprint Enhancement Filter Design.
Elsevier Science, Signal Processing: Image Communication,
17(10): 849-855, 2002.
- S. Kasaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. Fingerprint Compression using Wavelet Packet Transform and Pyramid Lattice Vector Quantization. IEICE Special Section on Digital Signal Processing, E80-A( 8):1446-1452, August 1997.
- S. Kasaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. Fingerprint Compression using Wavelet Coefficients of Fingerprint Images. Elsevier Science, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 62(3): 361-366, 1997.
- H. Ehsani, S. Moin, and S. Kasaei. Attack on Scene Flow using Point Clouds. In IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP, pages 1-6, London, UK, Sep. 2024. doi: 10.1109/MLSP58920.2024.10734756.
- A. Babajani, M. Moradzadeh, M. Abolhasani, M.V. Sanian, S. Abdous, E. Kalantari, S. Kasaei, M.H. Rohban, and Z. Madjd. AI-Driven Exploration of Cancer Stem Cells in Pancreatic Cancer: Unravelling SALL4-A Expression and Clinical Significance. In Annual Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research, EACR, Page 54, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2024.
- Vladimir Somers, Victor Joos, Silvio Giancola, Anthony Cioppa, Seyed Ghasemzadeh, F. Magera, Baptiste Standaert, Amir Mansurian, Chow, Shohreh Kasaei, Bernard Ghanem, Alexandre Alahi, M. VanDroogenbroeck, and Christophe De Vleeschouwer. SoccerNet Game State Reconstruction: End-to-End Athlete Tracking and Identification on a Minimap. In The 10th Int. Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports at CVPR, CVSports, Seattle, USA, June 2024.
- R. Ahmadi and S. Kasaei. Leveraging Swin Transformer for Local-to-Global Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. In The 13th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Karaj, Iran, March 2024. Best Paper Award.
- F. Arefi and V. Ramezanian and S. Kasaei. A Novel Loss Function Based on Clustering Quality Criteria in Spatio-Temporal Clustering. In The 13th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Karaj, Iran, March 2024.
- N. Eslami, F. Arefi, A. M. Mansourian, and S. Kasaei. Rethinking RAFT for Efficient Optical Flow. In The 13th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Karaj, Iran, March 2024. Best Paper Award.
- N. Javid Tajrishi, S. Amini Afshar, and S. Kasaei. Enhancing Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation through Patch-Based Refinement. In The 13th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Karaj, Iran, March 2024.
- A. M. Mansourian, V. Somers, C. De Vleeschouwer, and S. Kasaei. Multi-task Learning for Joint Re-identification, Team Affiliation, and Role Classification for Sports Visual Tracking. In The 6th Int. Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports, MMSports, Ottawa, Canada, August 2023.
- A. Aria, H. Naderi, and S. Kasaei. Adversarial Attack by Limited Point Cloud Surface Modifications. In The 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IPRIA, Ghom, Iran, Feb. 2023. Best Paper Award.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei-Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Robust Visual Tracking via Cell-Level Differentiable Neural Architecture Search. In The 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC, England, Nov. 2021.
- H. Hafez-Kolahi, B. Moniri, S. Kasaei, and M. Soleymani-Baghshah. Rate-Distortion Analysis of Minimum Excess Risk in Bayesian Learning.. In The 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML, USA, July 18-24, 2021.
- H. Hafez-Kolahi, Z. Golgooni, S. Kasaei, and M. Soleymani Baghshah. Conditioning and Processing: Techniques to Improve Information-Theoretic Generalization Bounds. In The 34th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS, San Diego, USA, Dec. 2020.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei-Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. COMET: Context-Aware IoU-Guided Network for Small Object Tracking. In The 15th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV, Virtual Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 2020.
- H. Naderi, L. Goli, and S. Kasaei. Scale Equivariant CNNs with Scale Steerable Filters. In The 11th Iranian and the 1st International Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Qom, Iran, Feb. 2020.
- N. Karimi and S. Kasaei. Class Attention Map Distillation for Efficient Semantic Segmentation. In The 11th Iranian and the 1st International Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Qom, Iran, Feb. 2020.
- M. Asadi and S. Kasaei. Fusion of Multimodal Deep Networks for Action Recognition with RGB-D Data. In The 1st National Informatics Conference, Tehran, Iran, Jan. 2020.
- A. K. N. Tehrani, M. Macktoobian, and S. Kasaei. Color Image Segmentation Using a Fuzzy Inference System. In The 7th International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications, pages 78-83, Trabzon, Turkey, May 2019.
- S. Mojtaba Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei-Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Rotation-Aware Discriminative Scale Space Tracking. In The 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Yazd, Iran, May 2019. Best Paper Award.
- F. Fooladgar and S. Kasaei. 3M2RNet: Multi-Modal Multi-Resolution Refinement Network for Semantic Segmentation. In Computer Vision Conference, Nevada, USA, April 2019.
- M. N. Sabet Jahromi, M. Bojesen Bonderup, M. Asadi, E. Avots, K. Nasrollahi, S. Escalera, S. Kasaei, T. Moeslund, and G. Anbarjafari. Automatic Access Control Based on Face and Hand Biometrics in a Non-Cooperative Context. In IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision, Lake Tahoe, NV/CA, March 2018.
- Y. Zamani, H. Shirzad, and S. Kasaei. Similarity Measures for Intersection of Camera View Frustums. In The 10th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Esfahan, Iran, Nov. 2017.
- Y. Zamani, H. Shirzad, and S. Kasaei. A Real-Time Grid-Based Method for Estimating Nearest Neighbors in Euclidean Space. In The 10th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Esfahan, Iran, Nov. 2017.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei-Yakhdani, and S. Kasaei. Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Context Learning for Visual Target Tracking. In The 10th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Esfahan, Iran, Nov. 2017.
- M. Asadi, H. Bertiche, V. Roig, S. Kasaei, and S. Escalera. Action Recognition from RGB-D Data: Comparison and Fusion of Spatio-Temporal Handcrafted Features and Deep Strategies. In International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV, Chalearn Looking at People Workshop, Venice, Italy, Oct. 2017.
- M. Asadi, A. Clapes, M. Bellantonio, H. Jair Escalante, V. Ponce-Lopez, X. Baro, I. Guyon, S. Kasaei, and S. Escalera. A Survey on Deep Learning-Based Approaches for Action and Gesture Recognition in Image Sequences. In The 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Washington, DC, USA, May 2017.
- B. Hadavi, S. Kasaei, and A. Khodaparast Haghi. An Efficient Method for 3D Reconstruction of Nanofibrous Membranes from Two Perspective Views. In The 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Tehran, Iran, May 2017.
- M. Sepehrinour and S. Kasaei. Perspective Reconstruction of Non-Rigid Surfaces from Single-View Videos. In The 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Tehran, Iran, May 2017.
- A. Khataminejad, M. Asadi, and S. Kasaei. Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition: A Learning Method based on Active Joints. In The 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Porto, Portugal, Feb. 2017.
- B. Hadavi, S. Kasaei, and A. Khodaparast Haghi. Thickness Estimation of Nanofiber Mats based on 3D Reconstruction. In The 6th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Karadj, Iran, Oct. 2016.
- A. Zarean and S. Kasaei. Human Body 3D Reconstruction in Multiview Soccer Scenes by Depth Optimization. In The 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Shiraz, Iran, May 2016.
- F. Fooladgar and S. Kasaei. Learning Strength and Weakness of Classifiers for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation. In The 9th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 176-179, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2015.
- M. Hadian and S. Kasaei. Fast Homography Refinement in Soccer Videos. In The 9th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 185-188, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2015.
- Y. Zamani, Y. Souri, H. Rashidi, and S. Kasaei. Persian Handwritten Digit Recognition by Random Forest and Convolutional Neural Networks. In The 9th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 37-40, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2015.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei-Yakhdani, and S. Kasaei. A Novel Video Temporal Error Concealment Algorithm based on Moment Invariants. In The 9th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 20-23, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2015.
- M. Sepehrinour and S. Kasaei. Reconstruction of Non-Rigid Structure from Realistic Monocular Video. In The 9th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 199-202, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2015.
- F. Fooladgar and S. Kasaei. Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images with 3D and Local Neighbouring Features. In The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA, Adelaide, Australia, Nov. 2015.
- A. Bozorgpour, M. Fotouhi, and S. Kasaei. Robust Homography Optimization in Soccer Scenes. In The 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 787-792, Tehran, Iran, May 2015.
- N. Najafzadeh, M. Fotouhi, and S. Kasaei. Object Tracking using Kalman Filter with Adaptive Sampled Histogram. In The 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 781-786, Tehran, Iran, May 2015.
- N. Najafzadeh, M. Fotouhi, and S. Kasaei. Multiple Soccer Player Tracking. In International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing, AISP, pages 310-315, Mashhad, Iran, March 2015.
- M. Fotouhi, A. Bozorgpour, and S. Kasaei. Automatic Soccer Field Line Recognition by Minimum Information. In International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing, AISP, pages 136-142, Mashhad, Iran, March 2015.
- S. Ershadi Nasab, S. Ramezanpour, S. Kasaei, and E. Sanaei. Efficient Inference in Meanfield Approximation with Adaptive Manifold Filtering. In The 4th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering, ICCKE, pages 581-585, Mashhad, Iran, Oct. 2014.
- R. Salarifard, M. Hosseini, M. Karimian, and S. Kasaei. A Robust SIFT-Based Descriptor for Video Classification. In The 7th International Conference on Machine Vision, ICMV, Milan, Italy, Nov. 2014.
- M. Asadi and S. Kasaei. View Invariant Human Action Recognition Using Fourier-based and Radon-based Point Cloud Analysis. In International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST, pages 66-71, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 2014.
- S. Ershadi Nasab, S. Fouladi Ghaleh, S. Ramezanpour, S. Kasaei, and E. Sanaei. Permutohedral Lattice in 3D Point Cloud Processing. In International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST, pages 134-139, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 2014.
- M. Karami, R. Afrouzian, S. Kasaei, and H. Seyedarabi. Multiview 3D Reconstruction based on Vanishing Points and Homography. In International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST, pages 367-370, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 2014.
- S. Ershadi Nasab, S. Kasaei, and E. Sanaei. RGB-D Scene Segmentation with Conditional Random Field. In Information and Knowledge Technology, IKT, pages 289-294, Shahrood, Iran, May 2014.
- M. Asadi, S. Ramezanpour, and S. Kasaei. A New Feature Descriptor for 3D Human Action Recognition. In The 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 1157-1161, Tehran, Iran, May 2014.
- S. Ershadi Nasab, S. Kasaei, E. Sanaei, A. Ossia, and M. Mobini. Multiview 3D Reconstruction and Human Point Cloud Classification. In The 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE. pages 1119-1124, Tehran, Iran, May 2014, Best Paper Award.
- S.E. Mirsadeghi, M. Fotouhi, K. Faez, and S. Kasaei. Feature-Based Image Stitching with Repetitive Patterns Using Local Phase Quantization. In The 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 1147-1151, Tehran, Iran, May 2014.
- M. Fotouhi, S.E. Mirsadeghi, K. Faez, and S. Kasaei. BSIFT: Boosting SIFT Using Principal Component Analysis. In The 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 1130-1135, Tehran, Iran, May 2014.
- S. Monji-Azad, S. Kasaei, and A.M. Eftekhari-Moghadam. An Efficient Augmented Reality Method for Sports Scene Visualization from Single Moving Camera. In The 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 1064-1069, Tehran, Iran, May 2014.
- S. M. Marvasti Zadeh, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Improvement of Weighted Boundary Matching Algorithm for Temporal Error Concealment in Videos. In The 8th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 226-230, Zanjan, Iran, Sep. 2013.
- S. M. Marvasti-Zadeh, H. Ghanei Yakhdan, and S. Kasaei. Dynamic Temporal Error Concealment for Video Data in Error-Prone Environments. In The 8th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 729-733, Zanjan, Iran, Sep. 2013.
- M. Karimian, M. Tavassolipour, and S. Kasaei. Exploiting Multiview Properties in Semi-Supervised Video Classification. In International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST12, pages 837-842, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2012.
- H. Jamalifar, V. Ghadakchi, and S. Kasaei. 3D Human Action Recognition Using Gaussian Processes Dynamical Models. In International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST12, pages 1179-1183,Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2012.
- H. Jamalifar, V. Ghadakchi, and S. Kasaei. Reference-Free Monocular 3D Tracking of Deformable Surfaces. In IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & its Applications, ISSPA, pages 395-400, Montreal, Canada, July 2012.
- M. Fotouhi, A. R. Gholami, and S. Kasaei. Particle Filter-Based Object Tracking Using Adaptive Histogram. In The 7th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2011.
- S. M. Shariatzadeh, S. Kasaei, and N. Mahdavi-Amiri. An Efficient Down-Sampling Method for Multiresolution Image Completion. In The 7th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2011.
- A. Dejkam and S. Kasaei. A Fast 3D Reconstruction of Inextensible Surfaces Using Adaptive Weights. In International Conference on Image Information Processing, ICIIP, Himachal Pradesh, India, Dec. 2011.
- A. Araghi, M. Agahian Panahi, and S. Kasaei. Error Concealment using Wide Motion Vector Space for H.264/AVC. In The 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 2898-2930, Tehran, Iran, May 2011.
- G. Panahandeh, N. Mohammadiha, and S. Kasaei. A Fast and Adaptive Boundary Matching Algorithm for Video Error Concealment. In The 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, pages 1-4, Gold Coast, Australia, Dec. 2010.
- R. Mohammadi Nasiri and S. Kasaei. Motion Segmentation and Shadow Removal Using Improved Gaussian Mixture Model. In The 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 2817-2822, Isfahan, Iran, May 2010.
- R. Hosseini and S. Kasaei. Exemplar-Based Video Logo Detection and Removal. In The 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 2805-2810, Isfahan, Iran, May 2010.
- E. Shabaninia and S. Kasaei. Modeling Attributes of Neighboring Vehicles for Tracking Across Nonoverlapping Cameras. In The 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 526-531, Isfahan, Iran, May 2010.
- S. Arjomand Analou and S. Kasaei. AdaBoost-Based Face Detection in Color Images with Low False Alarm. In The 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling & Simulation, ICCMS, pages 107-111, Sanya, China, Jan. 2010.
- N. Baseri Salehi, S. Kasaei, and S. Alizadeh. Face Recognition Using Boosted Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis. In The 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling & Simulation, ICCMS, pages 89-93, Sanya, China, Jan. 2010.
- M. Mazloom, S. Kasaei, and N. Alemi Neissi. Construction and Application of SVM Model and Wavelet-PCA for Face Recognition. In The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, ICCEE, pages 391-398, Dubai, UAE, Dec. 2009.
- M. Mazloom, S. Kasaei, and N. Alemi Neissi. Wavelet Transform and Fusion of Linear and Nonlinear Method for Face Recognition. In Digital Image Computing: Techniques & Applications, DICTA, pages 296-302, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2009.
- H. Mohseni and S. Kasaei. Tensor-Based Face Representation and Recognition Using Multi-Linear Subspace Analysis. In The 14th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 658-663, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2009.
- A.A. Abin, M. Fotouhi, and S. Kasaei. Cellular Learning Automata-Based Color Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Chains. In The 14th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 452-457, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2009.
- A.A. Abin, M. Fotouhi, and S. Kasaei. Real-Time Multiple Face Detection and Tracking. In The 14th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 379-384, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2009.
- M. Fotouhi, M. H. Rohban, and S. Kasaei. Skin Detection using Contourlet Texture Analysis. In The 14th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 367-372, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2009.
- E. Shabaninia and S. Kasaei. A Novel Vehicle Tracking Method with Occlusion Handling Using Longest Common Substring of Chain-Codes. In The 14th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 176-181, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2009.
- M. Fotouhi, M.H. Rohban, and S. Kasaei. Skin Detection using Contourlet-Based Texture Analysis. In The 4th International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, ICDT, pages 59-64, Colmar, France, July 2009.
- H. Palangi and S. Kasaei. Fast and Robust Multiframe Superresolution using Inhibition Principle. In The 4th International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, ICDT, pages 82-87, Colmar, France, July 2009.
- H. Fattahian Peiro, A.A. Abin, and S. Kasaei. Error Resilient based on Video Edges of Region of Interest in H.264. In The 17th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 13-19,Tehran, Iran, May 2009.
- A.A. Abin, M. Fotouhi, and S. Kasaei. Skin Segmentation based on Cellular Learning
In Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia,
pages 254-259, Linz, Austria, Nov. 2008.
Best Paper Award.
- M. Fotouhi, A.A. Abin, and S. Kasaei. Skin Color Detection Using Cellular Learning Automata. In The 5th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 143-148,Tabriz, Iran, Feb. 2008.
- A.A. Abin, H. Fatahian, and S. Kasaei. New Features for Real-Time Face Detection. In The 5th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 131-136,Tabriz, Iran, Feb. 2008.
- R. Dianat and S. Kasaei. On Automatic Threshold Selection in Regression Method
for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images.
In The 4th International Symposium
on Telecommunications, IST, Tehran, Iran, Aug. 2008. Best Paper Award.
- M. Hasanzadeh and S. Kasaei. Integration of Fuzzy Connectedness and Fuzzy Clustering for Image Segmentation. In The 16th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 84-90, Tehran, Iran, May 2008.
- R. Dianat and S. Kasaei. A New Objective Test Criterion for Multispectral Dimension Reduction Evaluation. In The 16th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 91-96, Tehran, Iran, May 2008.
- A.H. Khalili, T. Lotfi, and S. Kasaei. Fast and Robust Tracker in Distance Learning Applications Using Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras. In The 3rd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, ICTTA, Damascus, Syria, April 2008.
- M. Hasanzadeh, S. Kasaei, and H. Mohseni. A New Fuzzy Connectedness Relation for Image Segmentation. In The 3rd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, ICTTA, Damascus, Syria, April 2008.
- R. Dianat and S. Kasaei. Histogram Convex Hall Improvement in Automatic Threshold Selection for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images. In The 13th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, Kish Island, Persian Gulf, Iran, March 2008.
- M. Ziaratban, S. Kasaei, and F. Bagheri. A New Video Coding Method with no Transmitted Frame Difference. In The 13th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, Kish Island, Persian Gulf, Iran, March 2008.
- A.H. Khalili and S. Kasaei. Object Modeling for Multicamera Correspondence Using
Fuzzy Region Color Adjacency Graphs.
In The 13th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC,
pages 637-644, Kish Island, Persian Gulf, Iran, March 2008. Best Paper Award.
- A.H. Khalili, M. Bagheri, and S. Kasaei. Object-Based Video Coding for Distance Learning Using Stereo Cameras. In The 13th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 176-185, Kish Island, Persian Gulf, Iran, March 2008.
- M. Bagheri, T. Lotfi, and S. Kasaei. An Adaptive Method for Moving Object Blending in Dynamic Mosaicing. In The 13th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 203-210, Kish Island, Persian Gulf, Iran, March 2008.
- A.S. Mirsafian, S.N. Efahani, S. Kasaei, and H. Mobasheri. Analysis of the Growth Process of Neural Cells in Culture Environment Using Image Processing Techniques. In The 13th Int'l CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 732-736, Kish Island, Persian Gulf, Iran, March 2008.
- M. Bagheri, T. Lotfi, A.A. Darabi, and S. Kasaei. Content-Based Video Coding for Distance Learning. In The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT, pages 1005-1010, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2007.
- H. Mohseni and S. Kasaei. Automanic Localization of Cephalometric Landmarks. In The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT, pages 396-401, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2007.
- A.A. Darabi, A.H. Khalili, and S. Kasaei. Graph-Based Segmentation of Moving Objects. In The 4th IEEE GCC Conference, GCC, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Nov. 2007.
- M. Ranjbar and S. Kasaei. Fast and Accurate Image Inpainting for Advanced Video Coders.
In The 4th IEEE GCC Conference, GCC, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Nov. 2007. Best Paper Award.
- H. Sajedi, M. Najafi, and S. Kasaei. A Boosted Skin Detection Method based on Pixel and Block Information. In The 5th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, pages 146-151, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 2007.
- S. Mahmoudi and S. Kasaei. Contourlet-Based Multispectral Image Fusion. In Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, pages 11-14, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Aug. 2007.
- T. Lotfi and S. Kasaei. Image Movement Detection in E-Learning to be Transmitted via H.264/AVC. In The 15th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 489-494, Tehran, Iran, May 2007.
- M. Hasanzadeh and S. Kasaei. Multispectral Brain MRI Segmentation based on Fuzzy Classifiers and Evidence Theory. In The 15th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 1-5, Tehran, Iran, May 2007.
- R. Dianat and S. Kasaei. Analyzing PCA and ICA Methods and Improving their Performance for Multispectral Fusion. In The 15th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Tehran, Iran, May 2007.
- S. Mahmoudi and S. Kasaei. A Contourlet-Based Edge Detection Method for Low Contrast Satellite Images using Information Measurement. In The 3rd International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications, CSPA, pages 246-249, Melaka, Malaysia, March 2007.
- T. Lotfi and S. Kasaei. Image Registration in E-Learning Applications. In The 12th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 1442-1447, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2007.
- R. Dianat and S. Kasaei. Multispectral Image Fusion using Various Types of Principal Component Analysis. In The 12th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 1827-1834, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2007.
- M. Ranjbar and S. Kasaei. Moving Cast Shadow Detection using Texture Information. In The 12th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 1448-1451, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2007.
- E. Khameneh and S. Kasaei. Mosaicing Images with High Motion Parallax with Application to Video Compression. In The 4th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 456-461, Mashad, Iran, Feb. 2007.
- M. Kamal and S. Kasaei. An Improved Method for Designing Morphological Filtering based on Genetic Algorithm and Wavelet Transform. In The 4th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 625-632, Mashad, Iran, Feb. 2007.
- H. Badakhshannoory and S. Kasaei. A Fast and Efficient Wavelet-Based Active Contour Method. In The 4th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, pages 272-275, Mashad, Iran, Feb. 2007.
- S. Koohi, M. Babagholi, T. Lotfi, and S. Kasaei. Video Cut Detection in E-Learning Applications. In IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & its Applications, ISSPA, Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 2007.
- R. Dianat, M. Khabbazian, and S. Kasaei. A Fast Method for Prior Probability Selection based on Maximum Entropy Principle and Gibbs Sampler. In IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & its Applications, ISSPA, Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 2007.
- M. Hassanzadeh and S. Kasaei. Multispectral Brain MRI Segmentation using Genetic Fuzzy Systems. In IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & its Applications, ISSPA, Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 2007.
- G.R. Amayeh, S. Kasaei, and A.R. Tavakkoli. Improvement of Zernike Moment Descriptors on Affine Transformed Shapes. In IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & its Applications, ISSPA, Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 2007.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Fast Intra- and Inter-Prediction Mode Decision in H.264 Advanced Video Coding.
In The 5th Asian International Mobile Computing Conference, AMOC,
Kolkata, India, Jan. 2007.
- H. Mahini, S. Kasaei, F. Dorri, and F. Dorri. An Efficient Feature-Based License Plate Localization Method.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Hong Kong, August 2006.
- M. Soleymani, S. Bagher, and S. Kasaei. Fuzzy-Based Recognition and Learning of Online Isolated Persian Characters. In The 14th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Tehran, Iran, May 2006.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Multi-Layer Representation of Grayscale Images and Its Generalization. In The 14th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Tehran, Iran, May 2006.
- S. Kasaei, M. Amiri, A. Bassirnia, and P. Mansouri. A Fast Method to Approximate Affine-Transform Using Control Points with Noise Reduction. In The 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, ICTTA, Damascus, Syria, April 2006.
- B. Mohabbati and S. Kasaei. Face Localization and Versatile Tracking in Wavelet Domain. In The 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, ICTTA, Damascus, Syria, April 2006.
- M. Soleymani Baghshah, S. Bagheri Shouraki, and S. Kasaei. A Novel Fuzzy Classifier Using Fuzzy LVQ to Recognize Online Persian Handwriting.
In The 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, ICTTA,
Damascus, Syria, April 2006.
- M. Mazloom and S. Kasaei. Combination of Wavelet and PCA for Face Recognition. In The 3rd IEEE GCC Conference, GCC, Bahrain, March 2006.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. An Efficient Intra-Prediction Mode Decision Algorithm for H.263 to H.264 Transcoding. In The 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, pages 1082-1089, Dubai, Sharjah, March 2006.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Robust H.263 Video Streaming under Erroneous Transmission Conditions over GPRS Wireless Networks. In The 4th International Mobile Computing Conference, Kolkata, India, Jan. 2006.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. An Efficient H.263 to H.264 Transcoder for Inter-Network Communications. In The 2nd International IEEE/Create-Net Conference on Testbeds & Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, Barcelona, Spain, March 2006.
- H. Rabbani, M. Vafadoust, and S. Kasaei. Line Scratch Removal in Moving Pictures using 3-D Wavelet Transform. In The 11th International CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 721-730, Tehran, Iran, Jan. 2006.
- H. Rabbani, M. Vafadoust, and S. Kasaei. Line Scratch Removal in Moving Pictures using Complex Wavelet Transform. In The 11th International CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 239-246, Tehran, Iran, Jan. 2006.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Robust H.263 Video Streaming under Erroneous Transmission Conditions over GPRS Wireless Networks. In The 4th International Mobile Computing Conference, Kolkata, India, Jan. 2006.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. An Efficient Video Transcoding Algorithm between H.263 and MPEG-4 for Inter-Network Communications.
In The 1st IEEE International Conference on Next-Generation Wireless Systems,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, Jan. 2006.
- A. Pourrostami, A. Moradi, S. Kasaei, and M.T. Manzuri. Error Reduction using Prediction Residual Matrices in Fast Block Motion Estimation. In The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT, pages 595-599, Athens, Greece, Dec. 2005.
- H. Pirsiavash, S. Kasaei, and F. Marvasti. An Efficient Parameter Selection Criterion for Image Denoising.
In The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT,
pages 872-877,Athens, Greece, Dec. 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Deliberate Distortion of Color Image and Video Resources for Copyright Protection. In The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT, pages 369-374, Athens, Greece, Dec. 2005.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. VBS Video Coding using Split and Merge Procedure with Hierarchical Quadtree-Structured. In The 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pune, India, Dec. 2005.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Robust Transmission of Compressed Video Streams using H.263 over GPRS Wireless Networks. In The 8th International Symposium on DSP & Communication Systems & 4th Workshop on the Internet, Telecommunications& Signal Processing, Sunshine Coast, Australia, Dec. 2005.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. An Efficient H.263 to H.264 Transcoder for Internetwork Communication. In The 1st International Workshop on Network Architecture & Service Models, Shanghai, China, Nov. 2005.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Prioritisation of Data Partitioning MPEG-4 Video over GPRS/EGPRS over Mobile Networks. In Asian Internet Engineering Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2005.
- A. Moradi, R. Dianat, S. Kasaei, and M.T. Manzuri. Enhanced Cross-Diamond-Hexagonal Search Algorithms for Fast Block Motion Estimation. In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, AVSS, pages 558-563, Como, Italy, Sep. 2005.
- B. Mohabbati and S. Kasaei. An Efficient Wavelet / Neural Network-Based Face Detection Algorithm. In The 1st IEEE and IFIP International Conference in Central Asia on Internet, IFP ICI, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Sep. 2005.
- H. Mahdavi-Nasab and S. Kasaei. Half-Pixel Accuracy Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms for Low Bitrate Video Communications. In The 1st IEEE and IFIP International Conference in Central Asia on Internet, IFP ICI, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Sep. 2005.
- H. Mahdavi-Nasab and S. Kasaei. An Efficient Adaptive Interpolation Scheme for Fast Mesh-Based Motion Estimation. In The 1st IEEE and IFIP International Conference in Central Asia on Internet, IFP ICI, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Sep. 2005.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. Prioritisation of Data Partitioned MPEG-4 for Streaming Video in GPRS Mobile Networks. In The 1st IEEE and IFIP International Conference in Central Asia on Internet, IFP ICI, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Sep. 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Comprehensive Evaluation of the Pixel-Based Skin Detection Approach for Pornography Filtering in the Internet Resources. In International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST, pages 829-834, Shiraz, Iran, Sep. 2005.
- M. Soleymani, S. Bagheri, and S. Kasaei. A Novel Fuzzy Approach to Recognition of Online Persian Handwriting. In The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design & Applications, ISDA, pages 268-273, Wroclaw, Poland, Sep. 2005.
- A. Abadpour, S. Bagheri, and S. Kasaei. A New Method for Fuzzy Agent-Based Color Clustering. In The 11th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association, IFSA, Beijing, China, July 2005.
- J. Behrouzi Moghaddam and S. Kasaei. Digital Image Watermarking using Complex Wavelet Transform. In The 13th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Zanjan, Iran, May 2005.
- R. Farhoodi and S. Kasaei. Text Segmentation from Images with Textured and Colored Background.
In The 13th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE,
Zanjan, Iran, May 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. An Unsupervised Fast Color Transfer Method. In The 13th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Zanjan, Iran, May 2005.
- J. Behrouzi Moghaddam and S. Kasaei. Digital Image Watermarking using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition. In The 3rd Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, volume 2, pages 408-414, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. A Novel Color Image Compression Method using Eigenimages.
The 3rd Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing,
MVIP, volume 1,
pages 340-346, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005. Best Paper Award.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Novel Method for Unsupervised Fuzzy Change Detection in Multispectral Remotely Sensed Images. In The 3rd Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, volume 1, pages 270-277,Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005.
- A. Merati and S. Kasaei. Rigid Objects Tracking using Kernel-Based Mean Shift and Background Subtraction. In The 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 85-92, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. A New Fast Robust Color Image Watermarking Method using FPCA Clustering. In The 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 246-251, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. Fast Registration of Remotely-Sensed Images. In The 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 61-67, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. A New Tree Decomposition Method for Color Images. In The 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 48-52, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. New Fast Fuzzy Method for Query Region Extraction in Color Images. In The 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 53-59,Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005.
- S. Kasaei and A. Abadpour. Wavelet-PCA-Based Compression Method for Color Images. In The 1st Symposium of Wavelets Applications, FSWA, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005.
- B. Mohabbati, S. Kasaei, and M.E. Shiri. An Efficient Wavelet/Neural Network-Based Face Detection Algorithm.
In The 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation& Applied Optimization, ICMSAO,
Sharjah, U.A.E, Feb. 2005.
- A. Merati and S. Kasaei. Real-Time Tracking of Nonrigid Objects using
Modified Kernel-Based Mean Shift and Optimal Prediction.
In The 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Applied Optimization, ICMSAO,
Sharjah, U.A.E, Feb. 2005.
- M. Jafari and S. Kasaei. An Efficient Hybrid Fractal/DCT-Based Video Compression Algorithm. A Modified Gradient Vector Flow. In The 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Applied Optimization, ICMSAO, Sharjah, U.A.E, Feb. 2005.
- A. Eslami, S. Kasaei, and M. Jahed. Radial Multiscale Cyst Segmentation in Ultrasound Images of Kidney.
In The 4th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & Information Technology,
pages 42-45, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2004.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. A New FPCA-Based Fast Segmentation Method for Color Images.
In The 4th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology,
ISSPIT, pages 72-75, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2004.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. A Fast and E.cient Fuzzy Color Transfer Method. In The 4th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & Information Technology, ISSPIT, pages 491-494, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2004.
- A. Lakdashti, A.M. Moghadam, S. Kasaei, and J. Shanbehzadeh. An Integrated Color and Texture Descriptor based on Complex Wavelet Transform for Image Retrieval Systems. In The 2nd IEEE GCC Conference, GCC, pages 332-335, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Nov. 2004.
- R. Farhoodi and S. Kasaei. Text Segmentation from Images with Textured and Colored Background. In The 2nd IEEE GCC Conference, GCC, pages 395-398, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Nov. 2004.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. A New PCA-based Robust Color Image Watermarking Method. In The 2nd
IEEE GCC Conference, GCC,
pages 326-331, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Nov. 2004.
- N. Safavian and S. Kasaei. Complex Wavelet Transform-Based Color Indexing for Content-Based Image Retrieval.
In The 2nd
IEEE GCC Conference, GCC,
pages 321-325, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Nov. 2004.
- A. Lakdashti and S. Kasaei. Remotely Sensed Change Detection using Multiresolution Analysis and Motion Estimation. In Remote Sensing for Environment and Monitoring, GIS Applications, & Geology IV, Proceedings of SPIE, volume 5574, pages 194-204, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain, Sep. 2004.
- A. Abadpuor and S. Kasaei. A New Principle Component Analysis Based
Colorizing Method.
The 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering,
pages 126-133, Mashhad, Iran, May 2004.
- N. Safavian and S. Kasaei. Usage of Color and Texture of Frequency Layers in Image Retrieval. In The 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 107-113, Mashhad, Iran, May 2004.
- A. R. Tavakkoli, S. Kasaei, and G. R. Amayeh. A Fast VOP Extraction Technique based on Wavelet Transform and Watershed Segmentation.
The 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering,
pages 83-88, Mashhad , Iran, May 2004.
- B. Mohabbati, R. Ebrahimpour, S. Kasaei, and E. Kabir. Neural Networks Ensembles for Face Recognition. In International Workshop on Computer Vision, IPM, Tehran, Iran, April 2004.
- G. R. Amayeh, S. Kasaei, and A. R. Tavakkoli. A Modified Algorithm to Obtain Translation, Rotation & Scale Invariant Zernike Moment Shape Descriptors. In International Workshop on Computer Vision, IPM, Tehran, Iran, April 2004.
- A. R. Tavakkoli, S. Kasaei, and G. R. Amayeh. A Fast and Efficient Video Object Plane Extraction Method based on Watershed Segmentation. In International Workshop on Computer Vision, IPM, Tehran, Iran, April 2004.
- A. Abadpuor and S. Kasaei. Performance Analysis of Three Likelihood Measures for Color Image Processing.
International Workshop on Computer Vision, IPM, Tehran, Iran, April 2004.
- A. Abadpuor and S. Kasaei. New PCA-based Compression Method for Natural Color Images. In International Workshop on Computer Vision, IPM, Tehran, Iran, April 2004.
- S. Milady and S. Kasaei. A New Method for a Fast Detection and
Seamless Restoration of Line Scratches in Motion Pictures.
In The 15th IASTED International Conference on Modeling & Simulation,
pages 413-417, Marina del Rey, CA, USA, March 2004.
- A. Abadpour and S. Kasaei. A New Parametric Linear Adaptive Color Space and its PCA-Based Implementation. In The 9th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, volume 2, pages 125-132, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2004.
- A. O. S. Memar and S. Kasaei. A new Approach to Image Compression based on Lifting Scheme & its Implementation of an FPGA. In The 9th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, volume 1, pages 80-87, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2004.
- A. O. S. Memar and S. Kasaei. Implementation of a New Image Compression Technique based on Wavelet Transform on an FPGA. In The 2nd National Computer Conference, NCC, pages 188-199, Mashhad , Iran , Dec. 2003.
- H. Grailu and S. Kasaei. A New Model to Detect Cut, Fade, and Dissolve in Image Sequences. In Iranian Conference of Mechatronics Engineering, ICME, pages 230-236, Qazvin, Iran, May 2003.
- E. Shahinfard and S. Kasaei. Digital Image Watermarking using
Wavelet Transform.
In Iranian Conference of Mechatronics
Engineering, ICME,
pages 363-370, Qazvin, Iran, May 2003.
- M. R. Rahimi , E. Pakbaznia, and S. Kasaei. An Adaptive Approach to Fingerprint Classification. In Iranian Conference of Mechatronics Engineering, ICME, pages 206-213, Qazvin, Iran, May 2003.
- S. Milady and S. Kasaei. Line Scratch Detection and Restoration in Motion Picture Sequences. In The 11th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, volume 2, pages 658-665, Shiraz, Iran , May 2003.
- Z. Taghavi and S. Kasaei. A Memory Efficient Algorithm for Multi-Dimensional Wavelet Transform based on Lifting.
IEEE Conference on Acoustic, Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP,
volume 6,
pages 401-404, Hong Kong, April 2003.
- A. S. Avestimehr, K. Naebi, and S. Kasaei. Multirate Structures for
Arbitrary Rate Error Control Coding.
In IEEE Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP,
volume 4,
pages 245-248, Hong Kong, April 2003.
- H. Darabi , S. Kasaei, and A. H. Jahangir. Design and Implementation of a Camera Tracking System with Application to Virtual Studios. In The 8th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 216-223, Mashhad, Iran, Feb. 2003.
- M. G. Ansari , S. Kasaei, and M. Tabandeh . Face Detection in Color Images with Application to Image Transfer on Telephone and Internet Lines. In The 2nd Iranian Conference on Machine Vision & Image Processing, MVIP, volume 1, pages 16-24, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2003.
- A. Azarian and S. Kasaei. Detection of Singular Points and Classification of Fingerprint Images. In National Computer Conference, NCC, pages 451-461, Mashhad, Iran, Dec. 2002.
- Z. Taghavi and S. Kasaei . A Memory Efficient Algorithm for Multi-Dimensional Wavelet Transform based on Lifting. In The 10th IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, Georgia, USA, Oct . 2002.
- S. Kasaei, M. R. Rahimi , and E. Pakbaznia . A Multistage Approach to Fingerprint Classification. In The 9th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 14.1-14.18, Tehran, Iran, May 2001.
- S. Kasaei. An Efficient Image Compression Technique with Application to Fingerprint Images. In The 8th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, pages 507-516, Isfahan, Iran, May 2000.
- S. Kasaei. Fingerprint Feature Extraction on Reconstructed Images. In 5th Annual International CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, pages 46-51, Tehran, Iran, March 2000.
- M. Deriche, S. Kasaei, and A. Bouzerdoum. A novel Fingerprint Compression Technique using Wavelet Transform and Piecewise Uniform Pyramid Lattice Vector Quantization. In IEEE international Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, pages 359-363, Kobe, Japan, Oct. 1999.
- S. Kasaei and Deriche. An Efficient Vector Quantization Technique for Wavelet Coefficients. In IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing & Communication System, ISPACS, pages 213-217, Melbourne, Australia, Nov.1998.
- W. W. Boles, S. Kasaei, and V. Chandran. Multi-Resolution Representation for Contour-Based Object Recognition. In IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing & Communication Systems, ISPACS, pages 218-222, Melbourne , Australia, Nov. 1998.
- S. Kasaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. Fingerprint Feature Extraction using Block-Direction on Reconstructed Images.
IEEE region TEN Conference, digital signal Processing application,
TENCON, pages 303-306, Brisbane, Australia
- S. Kasaei and M. Deriche. Feature Extraction from Fingerprint Images. In Workshop on Signal Processing & its Applications, WoSPA, pages 85-88, Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 1997.
- S. Kasaei and M. Deriche. Fingerprint Feature Enhancement using Block-Direction on Reconstructed Images. In the 1st IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication& Signal Processing, ICICS, pages 721-725, Singapore, Sep. 1997.
- S. Kasaei and M. Deriche. Fingerprint Compression using Piecewise-Uniform Pyramid Lattice Vector Quantization. In IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP, pages 3117-3120, Munich, Germany, April 1997.
- K. Yamashita, H. Kinjyo, H. Miyagi, T. Nakachi, N. Hamada, and S. Kasaei. A Design Method of 3-D Lattice Predictive Modeling. In International Technical Conference on Circuits & Systems, Computers & Communications, ITC-CSCC, pages 820-823, Seoul, Korea, July 1996.
- S. Kasaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. Fingerprint Compression using a Modified Wavelet Transform and Pyramid Lattice Vector Quantization. In IEEE region TEN Conference, digital signal Processing applications, TENCON, pages 798-803, Perth, Western Australia, Nov. 1996.
- S. Kasaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. Performance Analysis of Fingerprint Compression using an Efficient Wavelet Transform Algorithm. In IEEE Conference on the 4th International Symposium on Signal Processing & Its Applications, ISSPA, pages 433-436, Gold Coast, Australia, Aug. 1996.