IPL Ball Detection Datasets

Ball detection datasets comprises three diffrent publicly available datasets for soccer, basketball, and volleyball sports. These datasets consist of approximately 34000 frames. They are labeled manually, frame by frame, for the purpose of academic studies in ball detection by the members of Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) of Sharif University of Technology. Ball coordinates in each frame are available in csv format. For more information please contact kasaei[at]sharif[dot]edu.




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Ball Locations

Dataset Sport Link Resolution No. of Fixed Cameras Total No. of Frames Ball Locations (.csv)
ISSIA CNR Soccer http://www.ino.it/... 1920x1080 6 3000 Cam 1
3000 Cam 2
3000 Cam 3
3000 Cam 4
3000 Cam 5
3000 Cam 6
APIDIS Basketball http://sites.uclouvain.be/... 1600x1200 5 1235 Cam 1
1222 Cam 2
1279 Cam 4
1288 Cam 6
1323 Cam 7
YACVID Volleyball http://riemenschneider.hayko.at/... 1920x1080 1 10000 graz-arbesbach_5

Related Publication

  • R. Fahmi, M. Zandigohar, and S. Kasaei. Ball Tracking Framework based on Deep Learners and Eigenballs, (to appear), 2016.