IPL Azadi Soccer Dataset

Azadi Soccer Dataset is prepared for academic purposes by Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) members of Sharif University of Technology, headed by Dr. Mehran Fotouhi under the supervision of Prof. Shohreh Kasaei, in 12 May 2012. The dataset includes the video sequences that are captured from a domestic soccer matches in Iran Pro League. The prepared dataset is one of the few existing multiview soccer datasets which contains 9 fixed cameras and 3 broadcast cameras. The quality of videos is SD, the size of each frame is 720×576 and the frame rate is 25fps. The playfield size and the location of each camera are measured using a set of station theodolites. The dataset contains the actual video capturing phenomena (such as camera lens distortion, motion blur, lighting changes, shadows, small-size multiple moving objects, noise, and so forth). These make it almost ideal for being used as a practical dataset for research purposes. As such, several doctoral and master's theses have been defined at IPL. Some sample videos captured by the broadcast and fixed cameras are shown below. Several sub-datasets are also prepared for different research topics including ball detection, frame synchronization, player detection, and billboard ads. We also would like to appreciate the efforts of IPL members  Mr. Mohamad Mehabadi and Mr. Arsh Aghababazadeh for their help on compressing and uploading the dataset. For more information please contact kasaei[at]sharif[dot]edu.

The soccer field model and the location of the moving camera (M6), the 6 PTZ cameras (in both halftimes), and the 9 fixed cameras in the 1st and 2nd halftimes are shown below. For more info on camera setups please click here.

Fyx(n): Fixed camera number x, in the yth halftime, from the nth part of the related source video.

Pyx(n): PTZ camera number x, in the yth halftime, from the nth part of the related source video.

Myx(n): Moving camera number x, in the yth halftime, from the nth part of the related source video.

Soccer field model

PTZ cameras in

Fixed cameras in
1st halftime.

Fixed cameras in
2nd halftime.


P22, center, longview


P21, offside


For citation purposes, you can use our publications.

Fixed Cameras

In IPL Azadi Soccer Dataset, the locations of fixed cameras have been changed at each halftime. In the first halftime, the whole playfield is covered by fixed cameras and in the second halftime, a half of the playfield is covered by all fixed cameras. Therefore, in the second configuration of fixed cameras, the number of views for a specific region of the playfield is more than that in the first configuration.

Camera Type Camera Info Total No. of Frames Pose Changed from Initial Calibration Synced Frame No.
F_2_1 F21(1) 45640 Yes 28671
F_2_2  F22 66750 No 34726
F_2_3 F23(2) 52001 No 19924
F_2_4  F24 72500 Yes 40350
F_2_5 F25(8) 43660 Yes 21810
F_2_6  F26 72501 Yes 40607
F_2_7  F27 72251 Yes 38231
F_2_8  F28 70251 No 40287
F_2_9  F29 72376 No 481397

To find the location of fixed cameras in each half of soccer game and other information please contact kasaei[at]sharif[dot]edu.

Ball Detection

This sub-dataset contains 2237 frames of 9 fixed cameras (totally 20133 frames), for which the coordination of ball at each view is determined manually and saved in a mat file. To reach this dataset and more information please contact kasaei[at]sharif[dot]edu.










Frame Synchronization

This sub-dataset is about synchronization of multiple cameras in multiview camera applications. To reach this dataset and more information please contact kasaei[at]sharif[dot]edu.





F24 (Dropped Frame)


Broadcast Cameras

The locations of broadcast cameras in Azadi stadium are standard. In the Azadi dataset, the videos of 2 offside cameras and 1 center camera are available as non-directed broadcast cameras. The camera parameters are varying during the match.

Synced Camera Info Start Time
P21, offside(3) 0h, 26m, 57s
P22, center, longview 1h, 11m, 11s
M26, crane(4) 1h, 10m, 45s

To find the location of broadcast cameras in Azadi soccer dataset and other information please contact kasaei[at]sharif[dot]edu.

Player Detection

The player detection dataset contains 6 different sequences of center camera. Each sequence has different number of frames which are gathered from different views. To reach this dataset and more information please contact kasaei[at]sharif[dot]edu.

P22, center, longview

P12, center, longview

P12, center, longview

P12, center, longview

P12, center, longview

P22, center, longview

Billboard Ads

This sub-dataset, the coordinates of the 4 corners of a advertisement billboards are determined manually for a sequence of center camera. To reach this dataset and more information please contact kasaei[at]sharif[dot]edu.

Related Publications

  • M. Fotouhi, S. Fouladi, and S. Kasaei. Projection Matrix by Orthogonal Vanishing Points. Springer, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 76(15):16189-16223, August 2017. [BibTeX]
  • A. Bozorgpour, M. Fotouhi, and S. Kasaei. Robust Homography Optimization in Soccer Scenes. In The 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), pages 787-792, Tehran, Iran, May 2015. [BibTeX]
  • M. Fotouhi, A. Bozorgpour, and S. Kasaei. Automatic Soccer Field Line Recognition by Minimum Information. In International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Signal Processing (AISP), pages 136-142, Mashhad, Iran, March 2015. [BibTeX]